Feed Formulation
- No license fee for open-source software
- Java-based software supports all platforms
- Android app coming soon
- Data stored in free/open-source H2 database
- Optimization by free/open-source GLPK
- Default nutritional database included
- Editable ingredients and specifications
- Default formulations for layers
- Editable formulations and standards
- Default prices for ingredients
- Updatable prices for market
- SysnovaFeed desktop formulation software is released under an open-source license which means it will never require any license fee.
- SysnovaFeed formulation software has been developed in Java programming language, which supports all computer operating systems (MS Windows, Mac and Linux).
- An Android app will also be released in future.
- All formulation, ingredient and price data is stored in free/open-source H2 database, which is also written in Java and will work in any platform.
- Least-cost optimization is done by free/open-source Gnu Linear Programming Kit (https://www.gnu.org/software/glpk/).
We are grateful to Professors Gene Pesti and Bill Miller for writing their book on feed formulation software.